Meet The Model Behind The January 2021 Issue Of Model & Mode: The Dashing Cristian Sahdalá

Cristian Sahdalá is a model and a professional skydiver who hails from the Caribbean living in Nashville, Tennessee – he’s an owner of a commercial cleaning franchise in Nashville.

Sahdalá’s life has always been about modeling and taking care of his body but lately, he’s made a huge decision in his life – he has decided to become a professional skydiver. This is a big deal for him because it’s a massive challenge for him to break through the fear of doing something out of the ordinary all by himself since he has never done anything extreme in his life –  in fact, he doesn’t even ride roller coasters. He went from always being afraid and not daring to try anything to jumping out of an airplane from 17000ft above the ground on his first solo jump!

This new venture all started as a personal project of Sahdalá’s. He has always liked taking pictures of himself – he has been doing this for the last 5 years now and then posting the photos on Instagram but this year he realized that all his posts never surpassed the 300-400 likes mark so he started thinking of doing something different to get more engagement in his Instagram account.

So he eventually came up with the idea of taking pictures of himself falling from a flying airplane, so then he’s still modeling but just in a very unique way – his plan is to make the best content on Instagram and be able to show everyone how trying something so terrifying can be such a life-changing experience.

Model & Mode Magazine recently caught up with Cristian to discuss his journey in the modelling industry and here’s what went down:

How did you get into the modelling industry?

The reason why I got into modeling is because I love photography as well as photographing myself – that’s my passion.

What do you like most about being a model?

Being able to create content for various clothing brands.

The downside to being a model?

One of the most difficult sacrifices for me is dieting, you always have to look nice and part of that is being in shape.

What has been the most memorable experience of being in the modelling industry so far?

Being invited to the New York fashion week.

Who have been the most interesting people you’ve met so far?

I’ve met Will Smith back in the Caribbean, Dominican Republic.

What has been the most valuable lesson you’ve learned while in the modelling industry. 

That modelling surrounded by good people can make this industry more enjoyable.

Is your family supportive of you being a model?

They are more supportive of me being a model rather than becoming a skydiver and taking all of that risk.

If you could go back in a time machine to the time when you were just getting started, what would you do differently?

Definitely being more dedicated on my social media – posting at least a picture each day.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

Focus on your body and health, because you live from it.

What are your future plans? Inside your career or out of it.

Creating new ways of being a model, doing extreme adventures, and finding unique places around the world.


Last good movie I’ve seen: The Jungle.

What do you consider beautiful and why? Being able to show your natural side of your beauty because, in the end, that’s what defines and shows who you really are.

What haven’t you done yet that you wish you could? Jumping out of a plane without a parachute and landing safely!

Complete this sentence: “If I had no fear, I’d…” Learn how to ride a bike because that’s one of my biggest fears.

What is the one “flaw” you wouldn’t change about yourself? Being able to take so many big risks, but the best things in life come with risks.