Meet The Rising Star Behind The Cover Of The November 2022 Issue Of Model & Mode Magazine: Helena Ristevski

Helena Ristevski is a stunning 16-year-old beauty queen who was recently crowned Miss Teen World Universal 2022.

Helena got into the pageantry world because her mother and her friends are beauty queens themselves, so they naturally encouraged her to enter a pageant. Eventually, she got discovered by Robbie Canner, a highly respected pageant queen in Australia and the National Director of Miss World Universal, and thus far, she has guided Helena into the ins and outs of the pageant world.

Model & Mode magazine recently caught up with Helena to discuss her journey in the industry so far, and here’s what went down:

What do you like most about being a beauty queen?

What I love most about being a beauty queen is getting dressed in beautiful gowns and getting my hair and makeup done. I love that joining a pageant has given me so much confidence on stage; I have become a very confident public speaker. I also love meeting new people; I’ve become lifelong friends and Sash sisters with some of the queens I’ve met.

Downside to being a beauty queen?

The downside of being a beauty queen is my age being 16 years old. Some of my peers don’t understand pageantry, which could result in bullying. Still, I take control of the situation and spin it in a positive light by helping my community and supporting charity events.

What has been the most memorable experience of being in the pageant industry so far?

There have been many memorable experiences in the pageant industry so far. I have been invited to many charity balls and events, and I have also been featured in several newspapers and magazines. But my highlight was being interviewed on the radio station by Fitzy and Wippa.

Who have been the most interesting people you’ve met so far?

It would have to be Fitzy and Wippa, the radio hosts, former NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, and former Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

What has been the most valuable lesson you’ve learned while in the pageant industry. This can be about the industry or about yourself.

The most valuable lesson I have learned while in the pageant industry is confidence, the way you carry yourself walking, public speaking, etc.

But the most important thing is being your true self and being proud of who you are.

Working in an industry whose only emphasis is on the outside characteristics of a person, how have you stayed grounded?

I stay grounded by keeping busy at school and in my extracurricular activities. I also have my family, especially my little brother, who keeps me grounded.

Is your family supportive of you being in the pageant industry?

My family is my biggest supporter and fan club. They have travelled around the country with me to compete in pageants.

What are your future plans? Inside pageantry or out of it.

My future plan is to complete my education. I want to study Law and political science and go into politics. I’m also doing a lot of modelling, stemming from the pageants I’ve joined. My ultimate goal from all this is to represent Australia in the Miss Universe pageant one day.