Luka is a fashion stylist and digital influencer who hails from Sydney, Australia. He gets fashion inspo mostly from movies or out on the streets, and he’s very open-minded when it comes to shopping for clothes – he can shop in prominent designer boutiques but also wear local designer brands.
Model & Mode Magazine recently caught up with Luka to discuss his journey in the fashion world, and here’s what went down:
Where do you usually shop? Are there any hidden gems when it comes to snapping up some awesome designer clothes?
I’m very open-minded when I’m shopping. I can go to either big designer boutiques, but I also love shopping for local designer brands too. I think it is very important to support them.
What are your top tips when it comes to fashion for the cooler months?
I think the trick is to layer it out since you are going to spend time indoor. Having a nice top/pants and putting a super vibe coach can create a perfect outfit. Having simple colours is always the safest option to play around the season.
Where do you look for creative inspiration?
Mostly on movies and the street. I do love bloggers and magazines, but I think you have to find your style first instead of copying someone.
Is it hard to stay fashionable?
No, it’s not. As soon as you dress for yourself and be confident, it is not hard at all.
How do you walk the line between being unique and having commercial appeal?
I think you need to find a line that you want to be first and add things to your personality, so people will understand who you are.
Are there any key trends you’ve seen for this year?
Since the pandemic started, I think we are all going back into a more comfortable style, which I believe will be continuous for the next season.
What do you think about the state of fashion today?
I think fashion has become very important globally, but we always got to remember that we can’t be slaves of fashion.
What are the clothes we can rid our wardrobes of that are considered very ‘last season’?
I’m always donating pieces that I haven’t worn for a while. However, I recycle a lot of clothes as trends always come back, so we must reuse things again.
What fashion advice would you give an emerging fashionista?
Be yourself and play simple first.
The fashion industry has changed so much in the past few years; what’s the best advice you would give for staying ahead of the curve?
It is tough to keep up with every single trend out there, so I think having a simple knowledge of what’s is on at the moment and trying to adapt it in your own style is the key to staying ahead of the curve.