Damian Romeo, a former Canadian Infantry Army soldier and Canadian-born actor, plays the enigmatic ‘Matt Press’ role on Netflix’s popular drama series Ginny & Georgia. The show’s second season premiered on January 5th, where viewers saw Ginny grappling with the fact that her mother, Georgia, had murdered her stepfather to protect her. While Georgia wants to move on and focus on planning her wedding, the past has a way of catching up with her. Romeo’s character, ‘Matt Press,’ is the only person who can see through the facade and has a pragmatic outlook on life due to his troubled past.
Romeo’s passion for acting began at a young age when his grandmother encouraged him to take music lessons. He started performing in theatre at the age of nine and became committed to becoming an actor. Despite his impressive 6’4″ stature and fit physique, Romeo’s desire to act remained unwavering. While he was scouted as “Canada’s Next Top Male Model” during Vancouver Fashion Week, he decided to join the Canadian Infantry Army, where he served as a reserve soldier for four years. Romeo continued pursuing acting opportunities and landed minor roles in Amazon’s “The Expanse” before being cast as ‘Matt Press’ on “Ginny & Georgia.” He will also star in the upcoming PINS & NEEDLES thriller alongside his “Ginny & Georgia” co-star, Chelsea Clark.
Aside from acting, Romeo is an avid rock climber who enjoys outdoor activities. He is also a supporter of SickKids, a non-profit organization. He enjoys hanging out with his hairless Sphynx cat in his free time. Taylor Sheridan’s work inspires Romeo, and he aspires to star in one of his projects in the future.
We recently caught up with Damian to discuss his journey in the industry, and here’s what went down:
Can you tell us more about yourself? How did you get started in the entertainment industry?
My professional acting career started around 19, but I’ve always felt enthralled with the craft of acting and having the ability to tell a great story. Around that age, I fell in love with the possibility of pursuing the craft as a career. Since I made that decision for myself, I’ve never looked back. It wasn’t until season one of Ginny and Georgia that I started to see professional success. I spent most of the time up until now developing my craft and focusing on experiences that would help me grow as a person. I solo backpacked over 35 countries, joined the Canadian army, dressed up as superheroes for children’s events, walked a high fashion runway, and explored many different avenues in my development.
What do you like most about acting?
The endless possibilities to experience another life. It is such an incredible feeling to step into the shoes of a character and truly live through them. I could become the leader of an army, fighting battles through a period of history or in magical fantasies. I could go on breathtaking adventures and voyages, fall in love, and grow old. The ability to showcase the human experience in any situation is truly exciting for me.
Can you tell us about your role in Ginny and Georgia?
I play a young, angsty high schooler who is still trying to figure out who he is. He’s part of the friend group that attaches itself to Ginny. He develops a youthful crush on one of the girls in the MANG friend group. Due to his insecurities and emotional immaturity, he tries to hide his feelings and can’t communicate them properly.
What sort of person is going to relate to this character?
I think anyone can relate to a character like this. We have all had that awkward experience of being a high school kid, trying to fit in and find ourselves in the process. The tools for communicating your emotions take a very long time to develop; along the way, we all make mistakes.
How is this character like you? Different?
As the person I am today, Matt Press and I share only two similarities. We have both made mistakes while finding ourselves in our youth, and we enjoy playing video games.
Besides yourself, what celebrity would you like to see tackle this character?
If I could put Charlie Hunnam or Chris Hemsworth in a time machine, I’d love to see them portray Matt Press. Otherwise, Timothee Chalamet would make some interesting choices.
Besides yourself, which actor/s in this series is going to blow people away?
This season, all the actors have done a great job with their characters. The one performance I thoroughly enjoyed was Sabrina Grdevich as Cynthia Fuller. Sabrina is such a fantastic actress, and I loved watching her performance come to life.
What’s the biggest challenge to taking on this role?
I never thought I would play a character as young as Matt Press. I had to dig pretty deep to close the ‘over a decade’ age gap. Ultimately it became such a fun experience and one I’ll cherish forever.
If you could play any other character in this series, who would it be?
I’d want to play the private investigator role. It would’ve been fun to apply pressure on Georgia and try to unravel everything she’s tried to keep hidden.
What has been the most memorable experience of your career so far?
Honestly, I love every single day I get to work on set. I love the hustle and high energy it demands. I am always at work an hour before my call time and love sitting outside my trailer watching the sunrise. My most memorable experiences are being able to work back-to-back days. The moment when most people start to feel tired is when I’m usually most energetic, and I love pushing myself every day.
Who have been the most interesting people you’ve met so far?
The most interesting people I have met come from my experiences outside the film industry. The people I meet traveling, in tiny corners of the world. The stories from their life experiences captivate me. Their struggles, joys, and memories they share become highlights in my mind. Every person is interesting in their unique way, especially when you sit to listen.
How active are you on social media?
I am active on major platforms to communicate with my fans. If I wasn’t working in this industry, I’d have no social media.
What are your future plans Inside your career or out of it.
I am constantly striving to become the best version of myself. Every day I try to learn something new and grow or stretch myself. Those have been my habits for a long time and are now a part of who I am. I believe that one day a very special role will come my way. When that day comes, plans for my career will shape themselves.
Photo Credit: Anderson Group